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Installing the HUD

The HUD can be developed on:

  • Linux
  • Windows 10
  • Mac OSX


You will need to have the following tools installed for development of the HUD.

  • gradle


To develop with the HUD you will need to clone the following two repositorites.

NOTE: It is recommended that both repositories are sibling directories and maintain the original repository names.

Build the HUD

To build a development version of the HUD plugin run the following command.

gradle deployAndResetHud

The above command will build the hud-alpha-1.zap plugin to the zap-hud/build/zap/ directory and move the compiled plugin to the zaproxy/src/plugin project subdirectory.

Adding the HUD plugin to ZAP

To add the HUD plugin to ZAP, go to File->Load Add-on File... and browse to the zaproxy/src/plugin directory and select the hud-alpha-1.zap extension.

Load Add-on File

Load Add-on File

After that you should see the ZAP HUD beacon in the ZAP chrome toolbar and the Installed Plugins view.

HUD Beacon

Show Installed Add-ons